Immunizations Days in Niger

Seeing a child’s smile, seeing a mother’s pride in her family makes my life worth living. I enjoy interacting with healthy, energetic children. It does not matter the color of a child’s skin or what language they speak. I find great discomfort when I encounter a child sick or suffering from a totally preventable disease.
I have been a team leader for 15 Polio Eradication National Immunization Rotary Volunteer Teams. Most of my travels have been to India, but I have also traveled to Nigeria, Mali, and Egypt and previously to Niger. Often volunteers administer vitamins along with vaccines. NID volunteers end up assisting local Rotarians in drilling deep, freshwater wells, providing books, clothing and medicine to orphanages and schools, purchasing wheelchairs, hospital equipment, ambulances or corrective surgeries funded by themselves or their Rotary clubs through the Rotary Foundation with matching grants or as a World Community Service project.
It is a joy to return to Niger and once again work with the Rotarians and Rotary clubs of Niger; working side-by-side with old friends and new, sharing our dreams for healthy Niger children.
Rotary clubs and Rotarians are good neighbors to children wherever they live. As a volunteer I experience firsthand a mother’s joy, her smile and a “thank-you” Rotary. These small acts of international kindness can lead to a better way – a more tolerant and peaceful world. I am proud to be a Rotarian, a Rotary volunteer and a supporter of Rotary International’s goal for a Polio-Free world. My Thanksgiving and Christmas will be very special thanks to Rotary.
-Dave Groner
Rotary Club of Dowagiac, Michigan, District 6360
Hope you all arrived safely. We are praying for all of you and for the great things you are doing. Tell Kathy B. hello from Pam and Dennis
Grandpa you are famous! How did you get on the computer? We are thinking of you and hope you have a great Thanksgiving. Love, Hailey, Elizabeth & Thomas
On Tuesday Nov. 21, Ann H. was on the front page of the Local Section of the Detroit Press.
Hey Grandpa!! I think it is so cool you are helping others!! Happy Thanksgiving!! We miss you so much!!I told Mama I am so thankful you will be here for my Birthday Party!! All My Little Love, Bryce
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Anita and Evan are so proud to have you as their Grandpa! We missed you at Thanksgiving, but know you are doing great work in Africa! Love, Jeff, Kris, Anita and Evan
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