Bus Hopping
The green clothed baby was the youngest we vaccinated. The Rotarian host with whom I stayed was a doctor. He delivered this baby on the 11th of February via cessarian section. The baby was vaccinated 20 hours later on the 12th.
The fun day was when we were bus hopping. Bill from Miami Beach, Florida and I worked at a transit station. After seeing too many buses go by with kids on them, we started jumping on buses. We'd start at the back and work forward, checking to see if any child needed to be vaccinated. If so, we would vaccinate and continue towards the front of the bus. When done, the bus drivers would pull over, let us out and we would walk back to the transit station. I did this two times, then three more times once Bill joined me.
Don Black, member of RC of Eagle River, Alaska
Solute to you peoples and your work for society
Thank you! A wonderful way to educate us about NID trips.
Michael Boyer
What an interesting story.
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